
Thursday, November 29, 2012

My daughters quinceanera

My daughter is turning 15 and in my culture turing 15 is a big deal because it is the age when a girl puts away childish things and becomes a young women. We commemorate the occasion with a big party and the "Sweet Fifteen" girl gets a fancy dress similar to prom dresses and gets presented with her first pair of high heels after she trades her doll for a grown up pair of shoes.  The party girl gets to dance with her fifteen friends and then has her dance with her father. My daughter has been looking forward to her Quinceanera since she was a little girl.

My daughter had chosen her dress a year before her birthday came. She has been planning this moment for many years. I can't say that my pocket didn't suffer but my family made this great moment easier by chipping in. In case you are dying to see what dress my daughter picked out here it is. I will let you in on a little secret ... I got this dress at a fabulous price click on the link and check out what bargains you can get for dresses like this one.

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