
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Everyone should have an emergency escape hammer and seatbelt cutter in their car

I keep hearing about all these doomsday preparers and I will admit that I am gettign a bit paranoid and I have started getting my emergency kit ready. While I have my house ready for a case of emergency, I do not have my car ready for an emergency. I keep hearing about folks buying an Emergency Escape Hammer Tool w/ Seat Belt Cutter. I have heard about cases where people are in an accident and are unable to cut the seatbelt because it locks in tight or that they are trapped because they cannot break the window.

After hearing about tragic stories where people are trapped I have decided to buy one of those emrgency hammers with seatbelt cutter attached to it. I rather be safe rather than sorry. I would hate to be in an emergency situation and be helpless because I didn't buy a cheap tool that could have saved my life. I plan on buying a few of these safety tools for all the cars and for my family to keep in their car too.

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